Bank Of America Travel Rewards Credit Card Customer Service. If you applied for a bank of america credit card online you can check the status of your application online. To apply for a bank of america credit card you ll need your personal information including social security number and total annual income.
Learn more about our 20 000 online bonus points offer and apply online. To enroll in the preferred rewards program you must have an active eligible bank of america personal checking account and maintain a qualifying balance of at least 20 000 for the gold tier 50 000 for the platinum tier or 100 000 for the platinum honors tier in your combined qualifying bank of america deposit accounts such as checking savings certificate of deposit and or your merrill. 0 intro apr for 12 billing cycles for purchases and for any balance transfers made in the first 60 days of opening your account.
To enroll in the preferred rewards program you must have an active eligible bank of america personal checking account and maintain a qualifying balance of at least 20 000 for the gold tier 50 000 for the platinum tier or 100 000 for the platinum honors tier in your combined qualifying bank of america deposit accounts such as checking savings certificate of deposit and or your merrill.
To apply for a bank of america credit card you ll need your personal information including social security number and total annual income. 0 intro apr for 12 billing cycles for purchases and for any balance transfers made in the first 60 days of opening your account. After the intro apr offer ends a variable apr that s currently 12 99 22 99 will apply. Learn more about our 20 000 online bonus points offer and apply online.